Maternity Leave!

Woah. It's really crazy, but today was my last day of work for a while. I will miss everyone a lot. 

In the meanwhile though, there's the crazy Pesach-cleaning and then cooking. Maybe once that's all done, there may possibly be some relaxing. 

As long as I'm sitting for a bit, I might as well post this link to my society6 account:

There is a currently a promotion that everything is $5 off AND there's free shipping, which is pretty nifty. If there's anything that you see on the website that's not up on society6 and you'd like it, please let me know and I can put it on there. Also, if you know me in real life and know of anything I have that's not on this website or on society6 and want it up, let me know about that as well.

If I end up getting a little time before things get really crazy here, I may even take some requests for paintings that I can make and then put up, so please message me.

Alright! I hope everyone has a great holiday!